Patent Application Number | Application Date | Award Date | Applicant Name | Inventors | Patent Title | Case Status(registered/Filed/Granted) | Country | Website where Patent can be found | Certificates |
202341042576A | 26-06-2023 | 07-07-2023 | G.KALYANI | G.KALYANI | Design of mm-Wave Dual Band Quad Port MIMO Antenna for 5G Wireless Communication Applications | Published | India | | Click Here |
202341041265A | 17-06-2023 | 30-06-2023 | G.KALYANI | G.KALYANI, Dr.G.SRINIVASA RAO | A Compact Dual Band 4*4 Orthogonal MIMO Antenna for 5G mm-Wave N257 and N263 Band Applications | Published | India | | Click Here |
202341029077 | 21-04-2023 | 26-05-2023 | DIVYA GUDAPATI | DIVYA GUDAPATI | Dual Band Nona Aperture SIW Embedded Dielectric Resonator Antenna for 5G mm-wawe Applications | Published | India | | Click Here |
202241029376 | 04-06-2022 | 17-06-2022 | DIVYA GUDAPATI | DIVYA GUDAPATI | Multi-Band, Multi-Polarized, High Isolation Flexoelectric Effect Based Asymmetrically Flared Frustum DR Antenna for Defence/ Space Applications Thereof | Published | India | | Click Here |
202241029376 | 23-05-2022 | 17-06-2022 | DIVYA GUDAPATI | DIVYA GUDAPATI | Dual Band RF Cloaking for Implementing Stealth Technology In Defence Applications | Published | India | | Click Here |
202141045273 | 5-10-2021 | 5-11-2021 | DIVYA GUDAPATI | DIVYA GUDAPATI | Dual Polarized Sub-GHz 5G Base Station Antenna for Low Mobility n-Urban Applications | Granted | India | | Click Here |
202041013054 | 04.02.2020 | 05-06-2020 | Suneetha Emmela | Prof.Dr.Dipak Ranjan Jana | Detection and Prevention of Wheel Unbalancing and Tire Burst in Moving Vehicles | Publised | India | | Click Here |
202041013055 | 11.02.2020 | 05-06-2020 | SumaLatha Emmela | Prof.Dr.Dipak Ranjan Jana | IOT(Internt of Things)Based System And Method for Automated Irrigitation | Published | India | | Click Here |
202041013056 | 11.02.2020 | 05-06-2020 | Turaka Sowmya | Prof.Dr.Dipak Ranjan Jana | A System and Method for Detection of Obstacles on moving vehicles on either side 360o | Published | India | | Click Here |
202141020679 | 06.05.2021 | 14.05.2021 | M.V.Mutyalamma | Prof.Dr.Dipak Ranjan Jana | Design and Implementation of Quality atmospheric control monitoring system in Air-conditioners by using Arduino UNO | Published | India | | Click Here |